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Day fishing report on St. John island

Its a Sunday. The last ferry will leave St. John island at 5:50pm. Many anglers come on Sunday for the extra 2 hours to fish on the island. I set off to Marina South Pier early morning and reached at about 845. Bought some breakfast and ferry ticket and headed to the jetty. The ferry reached St. John island at about 10:00 am when the tide was just about to go up.

I always check for the fishing forecast on except this time. Because that day was the only day I was free. No choice… Anyways here is a forecast for that day from this Fishing and tide forecast website .

Didn’t expect a good day for fishing based on the forecast above. But somehow I got a gut feeling that some excitement was waiting for me later. Psss… I over heard other anglers saying that there was yellow tail frenzy the week before.

Tide was going up slowly, water flow speed is moderate which kind of helps when I am using a lighter free running ISO fishing rig.

When I berley the fishing spot along the causeway, the berley also stays and sinks down at a reasonable speed together with my bait.

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