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Nov 12 2016 Kusu Island Fishing Trip Reflection

I have been too busy to do any fishing during the past 3 months. Finally, I had some free time last Sunday and decided to go to Kusu Island to enjoy some angling actions.

The weather was cloudy and humid, I was a bit skeptical and wondered if it would rain heavily before I move out.

To my surprise, the weather turned out to be just ok with slight drizzle in the morning and clear sky throughout the rest of the day. 

The tide was ok when I reached my favourite fishing spot on Kusu Island, but the current was a bit to fast though. The worst thing was I missed the incoming tide! By the time I reached the tide was already going down. Sigh…

Just want to mention a bit about how tides and current speed will affect your hook up rate for rock fishing here.

Fast current (incoming or outgoing tide): easier to get parrot fish because their round body is suitable to swim and feed in fast currents.

Slow current (during full tide or low tide about 70% down ): rabbit fish is likely to gether and feed along the shoreline.

So most of the time the frenzy window within a tidal cycle is only about 2 hours. If you missed it, you get few or no fish. 🙁

Word of advice: Plan your fishing trips ahead based on tidal charts!

Here I had all my gears ready to rock and roll.

Another view to show off. 🙂 Too bad I  didn’t get to use my landing net that day 🙁

After 4 hours of fishing, by 3pm only a small parrot fish was caught. The rest were just small groupers not worth mentioning.It’s a bad day of fishing for me. 

On the way back I had a brief chat with another rock fishing friend who managed to hook 3 rabbit fish and 2 parrot fish. It again make me look back at my previous post about the killer rig that one seasoned angler taught us to make. He was using the same rig with 4 hooks in a roll.

I was actually a bit skeptical about it even after I had written the post. Haha. Reason being the past studies I had about rock fishing was that your rig has to be as light and simple as possible in order to present your bait the most natrual way possible. But now after some careful consideration I actually find 4 hooks might be better than 1 sometimes.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rocky Lam

    I am an great fan of ISO fishing and regular visitor to Singapore. This is the first time, I have come across a site which depicts ISO fishing in Singapore. I am very interested to know the type of ground bait you use and whether this is readily available for purchase in Singapore.

    1. Surf Fishing Expert

      Hi Rocky,

      Thank you for your comment. I don’t think any local tackle shop sells the ground bait that we use for iso. We came up with it by experimenting with different ingradients. May i know which country you are from?

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