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Fishing on Kusu Island on 18 Feb 2018 – Second Day of Chinese New Year

On the first day of Chinese New Year, I checked the tide for the following day and it seemed quite good for fishing with high tide of 2.9m at about 2pm. So I decided to make a short trip to KuSu island the next day, hoping to get some action there.

It’s a Sunday and I was thinking to packet my breakfast and lunch there at marina south pier, but the coffee shop was closed for new year holiday. I could not have fried noodle and egg omelet for lunch that day, sad… Instead I took the $1 per packet white bread that I was planning to use for charm for lunch. Not so tasty but it did do the job of filling my stomach.

I managed to reach the small jetty at about 950am, the usual anglers did not show up. There were only 1 uncle fishing with a pole rod. According to the Uncle, they went to St. John island to try their luck because the previous week was not so productive at the small jetty. Good for me, no crowd and I can choose my fishing spot freely.

The current was strong and raising quickly in the morning. Not so much action because there were too many small fishes nibbling my bait.

When the raising tide began to slow down at about 2 pm, half beak started to appear and that’s when I managed to get some action going. Managed to hook up about 15 half beak very quickly. They are surface eaters and very easy to catch with a floating rig. If you are interested to know some tips on how to catch half beak, please reply in the comments below, so that I will create a separate post for the instructions.

Early afternoon, the tide started to recede.

Its silvery moony time! And the spot below is one of the best spot to fish for silver moony. It’s quite interesting that they are attracted by bread charm but have a strong preference for fresh prawn. So I have to charm this spot with my $1 white bread first before lowering down my rig with a fresh prawn bait. ( bread bait works too but not as effective as prawn for silver moony)

I was a bit lazy and not very hardworking in the afternoon, only landed 7 of them. They are small in size but very strong fighters and that makes them extremely fun to fish. I will update this post with a video of what it’s like to fight a silver moony with my iso fishing rod later.

Silver moony at this size is already at their adult stage and ready to spawn. You can find eggs in them 90% of the time. Steam or pan fry, very tasty!

Lastly, it’s a good idea to clean the fish with sea water on the spot. Firstly, you save drinking water, secondly, sea water will not affect the freshness of the meat like tap water does. ( tap water contains chlorine)

End of the day, I took the last ferry at 615pm and reached marina south pier at about 7pm. Very productive day of fishing on Kusu Island.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. nofishlah

    Hello surf fishing expert – nice catch! Yes please do a write up on how to catch half-beak, it would be much appreciated.

    1. Surf Fishing Expert

      Sure, will write one article on how to catch half beak soon.

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